Our family loves Oregon and exploring its unique features is one of our favorite things to do. We have 3 biological children, and we are also a foster family for babies. And if that’s not enough, we sometimes bring our kids’ friends along on trips for extra craziness! No matter who we have along, we pack everyone up and take them on fun adventures throughout Oregon. Rock hounding, caving, camping, hiking, and more, we’re game to try just about anything if it looks like fun. Preparation and planning are the key to adventuring with young children. We do a lot of research before our big trips, and we found that few articles ever mention children. We knew other families would love these same adventures, so we started Oregon Outdoor Family to inspire other families and help you plan your own trips.
Introducing: Oregon Outdoor Family

Presenting your Oregon Outdoor Family! We were at the Spring Creek Holly Farm finding our perfect Christmas tree in 2019.
Heather – our writer
I’ve loved writing since I was small, and often wrote stories (and even a novel!) for fun throughout my school years. As an adult, though, I rarely had a chance to exercise my writing skills. When we started this blog, I rediscovered a love for writing and storytelling. I hope that you can experience the magic of adventure through our stories.
Shannon – our videographer
Shannon is the voice behind our you-see-it-as-we-see-it videos. And the entire blog was his idea! He was researching for our first-ever adventure to collect sunstones. Our son was only 4 months old at the time, and before we hauled a baby into the great unknown, we wanted to, well, know. Would there be bathrooms? Was it even safe for our kids? A few people wrote about it, or posted photos, but it was all about the rocks, not about the nitty gritty details that are so important for families. And so, from that trip, this blog was born.
Camille is our eldest child. She graduated from high school and is on to the big world of college. She will major in Forest Wildfire Management at Oregon State University. Camille has often been our photographer and I’ve tried to credit her photos whenever possible. She’s also written a couple of our articles, like 9 Things Our Kids Love About Our Adventures.
Colby is kind of our black sheep. He likes video games more than camping and would rather play baseball than go for a hike. But he’s a good sport and generally up for anything we make him do. He’s also the only extrovert in a family of introverts, so he’s the first one to greet people on the trail and he enjoys meeting other kids at campgrounds.
Cade is our youngest. Cade loves hiking, but with his disability, hiking has gotten difficult for him. We’ve just received a Huckleberry Hiking Cascade Cart and we are planning adventures everywhere! Almost every day he asks to see waterfalls, and his disability won’t hold him back anymore!