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Slick Creek Cave is currently closed due to the Bedrock Fire in 2023.
During a recent camping trip to Puma Campground, we took a short day hike to Slick Creek Cave. Slick Creek Cave is a small cave and is an easy hike from Bedrock Campground.
Getting to Slick Creek Cave
While the cave is currently closed due to the 2023 Bedrock Fire, it will hopefully be open again in 2025. There are several ways to reach Slick Creek Cave, but the only route I’ve ever taken is the one described here. It’s a safe route, even for fairly young hikers, and it’s mostly level.
Park in the Bedrock Day Use area near Bedrock Campground. Access the trail through the campground near site #7. The first part of the trail is pretty overgrown, obviously we didn’t choose the most popular route! But the trail is visible, and hiking is easy.

The trail treats you to many lovely views of Fall Creek.
After maybe 1/2 mile (I didn’t keep track, but it is not a long hike), you’ll come to a bridge and a sign designating the area as the Slick Creek Cave Interpretive Site. The bridge is over Slick Creek, right before it joins Fall Creek. The creek bank is steep, and from prior hikes down to the creek, I can tell you that it IS slick on the bare bedrock.
History of Slick Creek Cave
A short walk from the marker are signs explaining the history of the area and the possible history of the cave. Archeologists don’t actually know very much about the people who used the cave, or how it was used. But there are clear signs of regular use, and they theorize that it may have been a shelter used on hunting expeditions. Unfortunately, most of the artifacts were stolen before they could be protected.

Sadly, these interpretive signs no longer exist. They were burned in a series of wildfires and have not been replaced. I leave the photos so that we can see what they used to say.

Unfortunately, my photos are pretty old, and the resolution isn’t there, but some of this is still readable. It tells a bit of the history and what has been done to preserve the site.
Slick Creek Cave
From here, there’s a steep wooden staircase up to the cave. The cave isn’t very deep and it’s safe for kids, as long as you make sure they don’t venture too close to the steep slope nearby. There’s a little poison oak near the cave, so be alert for that.

Slick Creek Cave is a fun little hike and a great place for kids to explore.
Let’s Go!
Actually, let’s not. The trail and all of the surrounding area is closed thanks to the 2023 Bedrock Fire. I will update when it’s open again.
Cost: free
Amenities: pit toilets at the parking lot, water in the campground
Really enjoy your content, very useful info for active families! Keep up the good work, you answer all the questions I have (“Is there a bathroom?”)
Thank you so much! I’m working on updating older posts, too, so they answer all the questions as well.